We accelerate the Coach’s ability to create the team character (identity) to access and sustain the team’s optimal level of performance more often, especially under big game pressure.
Our focus is on guiding and equipping the coach, and the coaching team, to work on their ability to access their most productive mind state (modulating emotions) and to create the optimal environment for the team to develop and perform. Two distinct, yet related environments:
The development/practice environment – building technical quality, executing at speed, and delivering under pressure
The “in-game” environment – sustaining the optimal performance (SOP) zone.
The environment, the chaotic, unpredictable, pressure filled cauldron of competition, together with the players willingness and ability to bring their best at any given moment, significantly impacts a team’s performance.
We also coach individual players, but our primary focus is that of the coach, coaching team, and leadership/ownership team.
Using a formal process, we develop a customized value agenda and action plan to identify and address the drivers and inhibitors impacting the Executive’s ability to achieve their purpose and the organization’s overall objectives.
Our experience indicates the following four key aspects consistently factor into an executive’s potential for achieving organisational and personal success and gratification:
How you modulate yourself – a clear understanding of self (what drives you, how you make decisions, and your capacity and capability to integrate or take on more);
How and where you allocate your energy / time;
How you delegate and manage your team, and
How you influence, communicate, and build relationships with your stakeholders.
We journey, over a full day, with the executive through an experiential process of insight, discovery and learning to conclude with a value agenda and a 90-day action plan.
We help your organization achieve its desired business outcomes by sustainably optimizing the capacity, capability, and resilience of your people.
We assess each person’s current levels of stress and resilience and reflect the resultant performance factor (corporate efficiency) on a team performance curve.
Then compare teams in the same division and across divisions / business units to determine contribution and prohibiting factors to stress and resilience and hence performance, and build playbooks, identify interventions and cultural changes needed.
We coach the supervisors to modulate their own stress and resilience factors and then provide the tools, techniques, and actions for them to work with their teams. We measure and monitor the impacts on performance and modulate as required.
Our focus is coaching and developing leaders so that they eventually improve their team’s and eventually the overall organization's resilience and performance.

Our vision is to assist individuals and organizations in achieving Sustainable Optimal Performance (SOP) and Wellness through an understanding of self, and the impact of neurochemistry on emotions, immunity and hence performance. This relies on a holistic approach of balance amongst work application, interpersonal/personal relationships and recreation as well as understanding the impact of purpose and passion on gratification and hence wellness and performance.
We bring over 30 years of business and sport consulting and experience in:
Executive Leadership Development (diagnosis, analysis, interpretation, delivery and solutioning)
Psycho-neuro-immunology and its implication on business and sport performance.
Hockey and soccer coach and team development (playbooks, team identity, season, practice and game strategy and plan, playoff tactical action plan and intent, small area sequencing, transitions and game intelligence and meaning and purpose alignment).
Player development (strength and conditioning, power skating, small area sequencing, transitions, deception, hockey intelligence, vision, mind state development, deception, shooting square)
Organizational resilience (positioning organizations and teams to operate through change), change management, culture and organization development, team development and personal development).
Operational Excellence (value optimization, productivity improvement, cost take out, asset and process optimization, organizational design, operations strategy, value driver trees, systems implementation).
Business Transformation (journey management, strategy development, post-merger integration, value realization, business case development, decentralization/centralization, capability design and development, performance management (KPI’s, balance scorecard), system design and implementation (SAP), portfolio management.
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