Team Development
A diverse and varied group of coaches who each have their own stressors and view of what drives client performance and how the Crash team should “show up” in sessions.
Measure the baseline stress levels, corporate efficiency and resilience of the Crash team, obtain lead and lag indicators of stress (lowered resilience) from each coach and averaged for the group. Provide on-site real time coaching to mitigate the stress factors and build a cohesive group.
“From day one, after the initial overview presentation I was able to see a positive difference in how I altered my communication with my clients.” “Working through what is driving my stress, opened me up to reframe those stressors into positive actionable initiatives.” “As a team, we can now see what value our diverse experience and expertise brings to our clients if we have a common purpose at Crash – create the best environment possible for our clients to achieve their strength and conditioning goals.”

Coach Development
Develop a team (of ‘supposed’ equal skilled players in the league) to consistently outperform the other teams
Build a season long plan aimed to create a cohesive and top performing team. Coach the coach. Provide real time (in-game) analysis of how the game pressure impacts the players and devise strategies and tactics (playbooks) to transfer pressure to the opposition and focus the team’s energy on achieving the coach’s game objective.
“This was the best season of my life, not only did we win many of our games, but I also developed the most I have ever done in any team.” “Chad is the best coach ever, I wanted to play my best for him and felt I did.” The team won the league and city finals.

Leadership Development
To provide coaching and ongoing support to selected Calgary-based Partners to help them build and maintain resilience to better deal with stresses and challenges impacting individual and team performance.
Conduct the neurodiagnostic; discuss the interpreted results and provide customized one-on-one coaching based on individual needs.
"Understanding my decision-making process and its impact on my performance and wellbeing." "Pragmatic and actionable suggestions to alter or change my habits, activities and communication style that led to a greater feeling of ‘being in control’ of how I interacted with colleagues and clients." “I felt I got more value out of my client meetings, by being aware of how I tend to defend my position when ‘challenged’ versus taking the time to really understand the client's view and needs”.

Executive Transition
Transition a newly appointed interim COO in a Unionized Crown Corporation, with the objective of executing a major change of focus and service delivery outcome. Integrating, aligning, and operationalizing five different lines of business into one shared client experience.
Prepare for and conduct a COO transition workshop. Build a post workshop action plan.
Appointed as the full time COO. “Best executive leadership process I have experienced.” “I particularly appreciated the process of aligning my expectations of self and my business objectives to those of my team and shareholders.” Board – “This process highlighted that we have chosen the correct person for this role and the immense task ahead.”